Australia’s Premier NLP Training Company
We are an NLP focussed training company and all our training programs are based on the concepts of NLP. NLP provides all the tools required to enhance your skills in the areas of Management, Relationships, Communication, Conflict Management, Team Building and Leadership. We have separate programs targeted at the Corporate sector and the Personal Sector. Our Corporate Solutions are focussed on improving productivity and morale in the workplace thus directly improving profitability while our Personal Solutions provide you with all the tools required to enhance the quality of your life, help you to be more happy and contented, achieve all your goals and dreams and live life to your full potential.
NLP Training
We provide a wide range of NLP training programs starting with the 2 day Introduction to NLP and all the way to the 10 day Trainers Training where you will be
certified in turn to be able to train others on NLP. As you may know our success depends on our ability to be excellent in everything we think, say and do. NLP provides us with a way to achieve this excellence. By mastering the concepts and making them your own, you will discover the essence of your own and others’ excellence. You will achieve more of what you really want and become more of who you truly are. Excellence is context specific. Many business models fail because they assume that what works in one environment will work in another, yet what makes a leading entrepreneur in one environment may be quite different to what constitutes success in another. NLP is a means of coding excellence and enhancing it so that you can establish what really works for you in your environment and with your skills. In our trainings we will provide you with the tools and the means to excel in any area of activity that you choose to undertake.
Corporate Solutions
As part of our corporate solutions we provide training and coaching that will enhance the productivity, efficiency and effectiveness of employees that will in
turn result in a happier workplace leading to higher profitability and a better working environment. We cover most of the soft skills, people skills and life skills that are not generally taught in the normal educational system but which are most essential to the success and growth of any organisation. Some of the areas that we focus on are Leadership, Relationship Building, Conflict Management, Team Dynamics, Communication Skills, Time Management and Goal Setting.
Personal Solutions
We believe that most people are living life way below their potential. They have not discovered their true magnificence and greatness that lies within them and
they play small. Through our seminars, workshops and coaching we help people discover their hidden potential and help them to enhance the quality of their lives. We also help them to understand the subtle laws of the universe that can create the change in mindset that is so often the difference between a winner and a loser, between a happy person and a miserable person. We help to make life easier for people by changing the way they think, perceive and behave. We cover all areas of life including Relationships, Health, Finance, Spiritual, Social and Intellectual.
Are you looking at increasing productivity and profits?
Then look no further. Engage our company to provide your employees with training that caters to all types of businesses and will enhance morale, improve efficiency and effectiveness and improve productivity thus increasing profits for your company.
Would you like to create a dynamic and performing team that brings in results no matter what the state of the economy?
Check out our team building training programs that will empower your employees to become above the line thinkers and take responsibility no matter what the state of the economy or any other external factors.
Are you looking to improve relationships at your workplace and create an environment of trust and mutual respect ?
Effective Workplace Relationships are paramount to being a successful organisation and our relationship building training programs will provide your employees with all the tools necessary to enhance their relationship building and rapport building skills and enable them to interact with each other and your customers in a much more powerful manner.
Would you like to live a life of abundance and freedom?
Our Personal Development programs will provide you with the tools to live a life of abundance and freedom and discover your hidden talents. It will enable you to step up to a whole new level and live life to its fullest potential. You will discover the joy of living and sharing in a way that you never dreamt of as being possible.
Do you feel like you are constantly running and getting nowhere ?
Is the treadmill of life getting to you. Are you feeling the pressure of modern day living. Is the stress taking a toll on your health and relationships. Are you feeling that you need to keep running to stay in the same place. Check out our personal development programs and see how you can discover the secret to managing stress in a healthy, effective and productive manner. We show you how to deal with stress so that it works for you instead of against you.
Would you like to take your relationships to a whole new level ?
Do you find relationship building challenging. Have you had trouble maintaining and growing relationships and find it to be hard work. Do you find it difficult to be a people person. Attend our Relationship Building Workshops and discover the secrets of Relationship building which will take your relationships to a whole new level.
A Message From
Sunil Kumar

Welcome to The Inspiration Academy and thanks for dropping by. Whether you are here to find a solution for yourself or you represent an organisation and are looking at increasing productivity and profitability, you are at the right place. We can provide you with standard training solutions or can tailor make them to suit your requirements.
Our vision is to Make Life Easy for you. We are passionate about helping people and organisations become the best that they can be and discover their true magnificence. We will support you in whatever way we can to help you achieve this.
Let us know how we can help you, and I look forward to meeting you in the near future.
Here’s to your success !
Sunil Kumar
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